Mercedes Azpilicueta
Las Mesas Danzantes
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Sep 27 - Mar 2, 2025
Mercedes Azpilicueta is a visual and performance artist known for her language-based works who calls herself a “dishonest researcher”. Through her manifold research work, from art history to popular music, from literature to street culture, she brings together various characters from the past and the present, and reflects on their dissident trajectories —feminist, queer, migrant, exiled— by imbedding their voices, shapes, texts, traces and memories into her multi-layered works. Far from indulging into cold reverence or archival fascination, her work successfully engages the body with all its flaws and potentials —her own body, that of her muses and collaborators, that of the spectators, but also fantasized ones— she embraces its fragility as well as its capacity for resistance and care.
Azpilicueta’s practice has evolved recently into exploring the theatrical possibilities of sculpture and installation. Disguised as sculptures, her pieces should not be taken for granted, as they always bear the potential of being activated in various ways — as scores, set designs, props, mnemonic devices or records. Her artistic practice involves “poor”, craft-based techniques that are often associated with the domestic work of women and with subaltern knowledge, such as sewing, embroidering or dying. The materials used, either recycled or natural (latex, leather, wool, silk, wax) claim their own narrative: that of the circulation of resources and knowledge often acquired through the violent exploitation of humans and nature.
Under the name Mercedes Maga Estrella de la Mañana, Argentinian artist Mercedes Azpilicueta presents a group of new works in Prats Nogueras Blanchard –encompassing painting, drawing and sculpture– that explore the idea of multiplicity within one’s self. Bringing together diverse characters from the past and present is a common gesture within the artist’s practice; the gesture of painting is a sounding board for the echo of the past. Mercedes Maga Estrella de la Mañana moves in a spiral, revisiting performance scores, textile and furniture sculptures, revealing traces of other lives, giving them new voices.
DiscoverFor the second consecutive year, we are delighted to present a collaborative project between galleries Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard. The proposal for this summer once again brings together artists from the three galleries and from different generations in an exhibition format that will be based on the exquisite corpse principle, with a text by poet Eduardo Escoffet written for the occasion.
Focusing on this act of collective exchange, during the summer of 2022, the artists invited to participate, the first of them Pere Noguera (La Bisbal del Ampurdán, Girona; 1941) , will be in charge of selecting the first group of artists, and so on in succession, until closing a cycle of exhibition proposals made up of works spanning different generations and imaginaries.
Chapter 1: Opening Saturday 25 June
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Room 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Room 2)
Chapter 2: Opening Saturday 16 July
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Room 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Room 2)
Chapter 3: Opening Saturday 6 August
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Room 1)
Ángela de la Cruz, Rasmus Nilausen, Lola Lasurt (Room 2)
Chapter 4: Opening Thursday 18 August
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Room 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Room 2)
c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
Jun: Friday to Sunday from 5 to 9pm
Jul and Aug: Monday to Sunday from 5 to 9pm
Taking the autobiography that Catalina de Erauso left in writing, in the words of Verónica Rossi, Azpilicueta carries out “an exercise in historiographical imagination that gives another twist to the succession of stories that construct the past”, weaving a work from memories, archives and imaginaries, rethinking history and breathing new life into dissident figures and trajectories of colonial history.
DiscoverWe’re delighted to present the second chapter of the joint project by Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard, taking place in Fonteta, a small village in the Empordà region from June to September.
The exhibition, conceived in two chapters, brings together artists from three different generations. The proposal begins with a concept from the Empordà Parar la fresca (to take in fresh air) described by Josep Pla in the book Las Horas (The Hours), 1953.